- abandoned
- abandoning
- abnormal
- aboard
- abruptly
- absently
- absolutely
- absorbed
- absorbed in his thoughts
- abundance
- acceleration
- accelerator
- access
- accessories
- accomodate
- accomplice
- accomplished
- accost
- accosted
- accuracy
- accurate
- accursed
- accusation
- accuse
- accustomed to
- ace pilot
- acknowledge
- acquire
- acre
- acrimonious
- activated
- adamant
- adjoined
- adjusting
- admiration
- admire
- admirer
- admit
- admonish
- adoration
- adroit
- advantages
- affection
- affiliated
- affluent
- aggressive
- agile
- agility
- agitated
- agitation
- agonizing
- aide
- air pressure
- airboat
- airborne
- aisle
- ajar
- alacrity
- alarm
- alcove
- alias
- alight
- alighted
- allegations
- allergic
- allergy pills
- alley
- alliance
- allure
- almighty
- aloft
- alongside
- altar
- alter
- altercation
- amateur
- amateurish
- amazement
- amber
- amble
- ambling
- amethyst
- amiably
- amid
- amidship
- amusement
- anchor person
- anchorage
- ancient history
- anguish
- animated
- ankle
- annals
- announce
- announced
- announcement
- annoyance
- anteater
- antelope
- anticipate
- antics
- antigravity
- antique
- antique shop
- antlers
- antsy
- anxiously
- apothecary
- appalled
- applause
- appraise
- appreciated
- apprehended
- apprehension
- approach
- approximation
- april fool
- apron
- aptitude
- arachnid
- arbor
- arc
- arch
- archenemy
- arching
- arcing
- aroma
- aromatherapy
- arrange
- arrangement
- arrest
- arrival
- arson
- arsonist
- article
- artisan
- ascend
- ashtray
- aspirant
- assault
- assaulting
- assemblage
- assemble
- assembly
- assess
- assignment
- assistance
- assume
- astonished
- astounded
- astounding
- astronomical
- at stake
- atlas
- atrium
- attach
- attempt
- attraction
- auburn
- audacity
- auditioning
- augment
- authority
- autograph
- automatically
- automaton
- avail
- avid
- avoid
- avoided
- await
- awaken
- award
- awe
- awful
- awhile
- awkward
- awning
- axle
- babble
- backhoe
- backing
- backpedaled
- backyard
- badger
- baffle
- bail
- baited
- bakery
- bald
- balefully
- ball
- ballistic
- ballpoint pen
- bandana
- banish
- banished
- bannister
- baobab
- bar
- barbecue coals
- barber
- barely
- barge
- barnacles
- barrel
- barrel staves
- barreled
- barrier
- barter
- basement
- bash
- batch
- bathrobe
- batter
- battle
- bawdy
- bawl
- beagle
- beam
- beamed
- beaming
- beanbag chair
- beast
- beckon
- bedlam
- beefy
- befall
- beg
- behalf
- behave
- behavior
- behind
- belately
- believe
- belittle
- belligerent
- belligerently
- bellow
- bellowing
- beloved
- bench
- beneath
- beneficial
- benefit
- berserk
- bested
- bestial
- bestow
- betray
- beware
- bewildered
- bewildering
- biceps
- bickering
- billeted
- billow
- bind
- binoculars
- birdbath
- bitter
- blab
- blabbed
- blacksmith
- blast
- blast off
- blazing
- bleakly
- blend in
- blithely
- bloat
- bloated
- blocking
- bloodhound
- bloodline
- blowhard
- bluff
- bluffing
- blunder
- blundering around
- bluntly
- blur
- blurry
- blurt
- blushing
- bobcat
- bogus
- boisterous
- bold
- bolt
- bolted
- bolts
- bombarding
- bonfire
- booby-trap
- bookcase
- boost up
- bossy
- botched
- bound
- boundaries
- bounded
- bowels
- bowl
- boxcar
- bozo
- bracket
- brag
- brandishing
- brash
- brass
- bravely
- brawny
- braying
- brazen
- brazenly
- breach
- breed
- bribe
- bricks
- briefcase
- briefs
- brighten
- brilliant
- brimmed
- brimming
- briskly
- bristle
- bristles
- bristling
- brittle
- broad
- bronze
- brooding
- broth
- brows knit
- bruise
- bruiser
- brush
- brutes
- brutish
- buck
- buck toothed
- bucket
- bucks
- budget
- buffet
- buffing
- bug
- bugged
- Buick
- bulging
- bulletin board
- bullfrog
- bundle
- bungled
- burglar
- burglary
- burly
- burp
- burs
- burst
- bury
- bushel
- business was booming
- busted
- bustled
- bustling
- butcher
- buzzard
- by design
- bystanders
- C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency)
- cabby
- caboose
- cache
- cackle
- cajole
- caked with
- calm
- calmly
- cameo
- camisole
- canal
- canine
- canister
- canopy
- caption
- carcass
- cardboard box
- caressed
- cargo
- cargo pants
- carnage
- carnivorous
- carousel
- carousel pony
- carrion
- cascaded
- casing the store
- cassette player
- castanets
- casters
- castigate
- casting
- castle
- casual
- casualties
- catapult
- catchy
- catering
- Catholic
- catwalk
- cauldron
- caustic
- caustically
- cave
- cease
- cedar
- celebration
- celestial
- cell
- centrifugal force
- centuries
- ceramic
- cessation
- cha-ching
- chafing
- chagrin
- chalk
- challenge
- chamber
- chamomile
- champion
- chandelier
- chaos
- chaperone
- charade
- charge
- charging
- charity
- charming
- charred
- chasm
- chassis
- chateau
- chattering
- chauffeur
- check-in
- cheeks
- cheer
- cheesy
- chevy tahoe
- chimney
- chiropractor
- chirp
- chiseled
- chocolate lab
- chomping
- chopper
- choppy
- chord
- chortled
- chrome
- chronicles
- chuckle
- chuckled
- churned
- chutney
- cigar
- cinched
- circular
- circulate
- circulated
- citizens
- civilian
- civilization
- civilized
- claim
- clam
- clamber
- clambering
- clammy
- clamor
- clamoring
- clamped
- clandestine
- clarified
- clarify
- clarity
- clasp
- clatter
- clattered
- claws
- clear
- clearing
- clenched
- clerk
- cleverly
- clientele
- cliff
- clinging
- clippety-clop
- clobbered
- clodhopper
- clone
- cloudline
- clout
- clowning
- clumsy
- clunking
- cluster
- clutching
- co-op
- coast is clear
- cobalt
- cobbled
- cocking her head
- cocky
- coil
- coincidence
- collapsed
- collar
- collarbone
- collateral
- collide
- colossal
- column
- columns
- combat
- come to
- comfort
- comfortable
- comforted
- comforter
- command
- commemorate
- commendation
- commitment
- committee
- commode
- commoner
- commotion
- communal
- compare
- compass
- compatriot
- competence
- complaining
- complex
- complicated
- complications
- compliment
- composed
- compound
- compulsion
- concealed
- conceded
- conceivable
- concentrate
- concentrating
- concentration
- concerned
- conciliatory
- conclusion
- concrete pillar
- concur
- concussion
- condolence
- conference
- confess
- confetti
- confidante
- confided
- confidence
- confidently
- confining
- confirm
- conflict
- confounded
- confrontation
- confronted
- confuse
- confused
- conical
- conjure
- conquer
- conscience
- consequently
- consistency
- consternation
- construe
- consult
- consumed
- contaminate
- contemplate
- content
- contest
- contract
- control
- conundrum
- convenience
- converse
- convey
- convince
- convinced
- convulsions
- copper piece
- corral
- corridor
- corrode
- corruption
- corrupts
- corvette
- cosmetics
- cottonmouth moccasin
- counter
- cowl
- cowling
- coyly
- coyote
- cozy
- crabbing at
- cracked
- cracked up
- craft
- crafted
- craggy
- cramped
- craned
- cranked
- cranked up
- cranky
- cranny
- crash
- crate
- crave
- crawl
- creature
- creatures
- creep
- crest
- crevice
- crew
- crib
- crime
- criminology
- crimson
- cringe
- cringed
- cronies
- cross-legged
- crossbow
- crouch
- crouched down
- crowbar
- crud
- crude
- crumble
- crummy
- crusade
- crushing
- crystal chandelier
- cubicle
- cul-de-sac
- culminating
- culprit
- cultivating
- cunning
- cupcake pan
- curb
- curiosity
- current
- cursory
- curtsey
- cuss
- custodian
- custody
- customary
- cut loose
- cut to ribbons
- cutlery
- cyborg
- daffodils
- damp
- dangling
- dared
- dart
- darted out
- dash
- dashed
- dashing
- dastardly
- dawdle
- daybreak
- daydreaming
- dazzled
- dazzling
- deadly fumes
- deafening
- debate
- debris
- debt
- decanter
- decay
- deceased
- decent
- deception
- decipher
- decision
- decisive
- decisively
- declined
- decorations
- deeds
- defaced
- defeat
- defeated
- defender
- defiant
- definitely
- definition
- deflect
- deflecting
- deflection
- delayed
- delaying
- deliberately
- delicate
- delicatessen
- delighted
- deliver
- demeanor
- dense
- dent
- deny
- deodorant
- departure
- depict
- derelict
- deride
- derived
- descend
- descends
- descent
- deserted
- deserve
- designed
- desire
- desolate
- despair
- desperate
- desperately
- despised
- despondently
- destination
- destiny
- destroyed
- destroyer
- destruction
- detention
- determined
- devastated
- deviate
- device
- devil spawn
- devour
- devourer
- diapers
- digest
- dignitaries
- dignity
- dilapidated
- dilemma
- dim
- dime
- dimwitted
- dinkiest
- dinky
- disabled
- disappear
- disappeared
- disappointed
- disapproving
- disarmingly
- disaster
- disbelief
- disc
- discarded
- discern
- disciplinary
- discipline
- discomfort
- disconcerting
- discouraged
- discovered
- discuss
- disdain
- disgrace
- disgruntled
- disguise
- disgust
- disgusting
- disinfectant
- disintegrated
- dismantle
- dismay
- dismayed
- dismissed
- dismissively
- dismounted
- disparage
- dispatcher
- disrespectful
- disrupted
- dissipated
- dissolved
- dissolving
- distract
- distraught
- distress
- distressed
- distributed
- disturb
- ditch
- diversion
- doberman
- doberman pinscher
- dodge
- doggedly
- dojo
- donate
- doodle
- doofus
- doom
- door knob
- dork
- dorky
- double take
- dough
- douse
- downcast
- downpour
- doze
- doze off
- dozer
- dozing
- drafty
- dragnet
- dragon
- drained
- draining
- draped
- draperies
- drastically
- dread
- dreading
- dreary
- dregs
- drenched
- drenching
- dresser
- dribbled
- drifting
- driving me nuts
- drool
- drooling
- droop
- drooping
- drought
- drown
- drowned
- drowned out
- drowsy
- drudgery
- drug
- drugged
- dubious
- ducked
- duct tape
- dud
- duffel bag
- dump
- dung
- dunked
- dupe
- duplicity
- durable
- duress
- duties
- dutiful
- dweeb
- dwell
- dwelling
- dyslexia
- earl
- earnest
- earnestly
- ease
- eaves
- eavesdrop
- edgy
- edible
- eerie
- effect
- efficient
- ego
- egregious
- elaborate
- elicit
- eliminate
- elk
- elongated
- elope
- elude
- elusive
- emanates
- embankment
- embarrassed
- ember
- emblazoned
- embroider
- emerald
- emerged
- eminent
- empathy
- emphasized
- emphatically
- empire
- employee
- employer
- employment
- enchanted
- enclosure
- encounter
- encourage
- encouraging
- encroaching
- encyclopedia
- endeavor
- endless
- endowed
- enemy
- enforcement
- engaging
- engineer
- engraved
- engraving
- engulf
- enhance
- enhanced
- enormous
- enough
- enraged
- enrollment
- entertainment
- enthused
- enthusiasm
- enthusiastic
- enticed
- entrust
- envision
- envisioned
- envy
- epoxy
- errand
- errant
- escape
- eschew
- eternal
- eternity
- ethics
- euphemism
- evacuation
- eventually
- evidence
- evident
- evidently
- exacting revenge
- examine
- exasperated
- exasperation
- exceed
- exclamation
- excursions
- excuses
- executed
- exerting
- exhausted
- exhaustion
- exhilarating
- exiled
- existed
- existence
- exonerate
- exotic
- expanded
- expectantly
- expedition
- expelled
- experiment
- expert
- expertise
- expired
- exploits
- explosion
- expose
- exposed
- expression
- extended
- extinct
- extinction
- extra
- extract
- extraction
- extracurricular
- extravaganza
- exuberant
- eyesore
- F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigations)
- fabric
- fabricate
- fabulous
- facade
- face fell
- factory
- faculties
- fad
- fade
- fail
- failure
- fairway
- falcon
- faltering
- familiarity
- famished
- fang
- fangs
- fantasy
- farfetched
- fashion
- fashionable
- fatal
- fate
- fathom
- fatigue
- fawn
- fawn over
- fearless
- feasible
- feat
- features
- fed up with
- feel the squeeze
- feint
- feisty
- feline
- fellowship
- felon
- ferocious
- fertilizer
- fervidly
- fetching
- fiasco
- fibbing
- fiery
- figure
- figure out
- finale
- finance
- fingerprints
- fire escape
- fire extinguisher
- firmly
- fish hook
- fish tank
- fistful
- flabbergasted
- flagrant
- flailed
- flailing
- flank
- flap jack
- flashed
- flashed out
- flashy
- flask
- flat tire
- flatbed truck
- flatter
- flawed
- flawless
- flecked
- fled
- fledgling
- fleeing
- fleet
- fleeting
- flicker
- flimsy
- flinch
- flip through
- flirt
- flirtatious
- flitted
- float
- flop
- florid
- flu
- fluid
- fluke
- flung
- fluorescent
- flurry
- flustered
- foe
- foes
- folding screen
- fondly
- fondness
- foolishness
- forbid
- forehead
- foreign
- foreman
- foresight
- foretold
- forfeit
- forged
- forging
- forked tongue
- formidable
- formulate
- forthrightly
- fortress
- fortunately
- foster family
- foul
- fowl
- fragile
- framed
- franchise
- frantic
- frantically
- freaked out
- freckles
- free
- free press
- free speech
- free-for-all
- freezing
- frenzy
- fretfully
- fretting
- frigid
- frill
- frilly
- fringe
- frolic
- frown
- froze
- fruitful
- fruitlessly
- frumpy
- frustrated
- fugitive
- full nelson
- fumbled
- fuming
- fund
- furious
- furiously
- furnace
- furniture
- furrowed
- furtive
- furtively
- fury
- fusing
- fuss
- fuss over
- fussy
- gagged
- gaggle
- gait
- gala
- gale
- gallop
- gamble
- game
- gangly
- gangplank
- gape
- gargled
- garment
- gas gauge
- gash
- gasped
- gather
- gaunt
- gauntlets
- gavel
- gawk
- gearshift
- geese
- generic
- genetics
- genuine
- geode
- german shepherd
- gesticulate
- gesture
- get acquainted
- getaway
- ghoul
- ghoulish
- giant
- gigantic
- gilt
- gimping
- gimpy
- gingerly
- girded
- girder
- glade
- glance
- glare
- glazed
- gleam
- gleaming
- gleefully
- glimpse
- glisten
- gloat
- gloom
- glorious
- glossy
- glower
- glowered
- glowering
- glum
- glumly
- gnarled
- gnarly
- gnashed
- gnaw
- gnawing
- go on strike
- gobble up
- goblin
- goggles
- gonging
- goo
- gooey
- goofy
- goon
- gored
- gorgeous
- grab
- gracefully
- gradually
- graduate
- grand
- grandstand
- grant
- grasping at straws
- grasshopper
- gratefully
- gravel
- gravely
- gravy
- graze
- greasiest
- greedy
- green thumb
- greenery
- grenade
- greyhound
- grieving
- grimace
- grimacing
- grime
- grimy
- grin
- grip
- gripe
- grizzly
- grizzly bear
- groan
- groom
- groped
- gross
- grotto
- groundbreaking
- grove
- groveling
- growl
- grown-up
- grubbing
- grubby
- grudge
- gruffly
- grumpy
- grunt
- guaranteed
- guardian
- guess
- guest
- guilty
- gummy worm
- gummy worms
- gurgle
- gusto
- gut
- guts
- gutter
- hacked off
- hair trigger
- hairdo
- hairy
- halt
- hammock
- handiwork
- handlebars
- handmaiden
- handsome
- hanging out
- hapless
- harass
- hardware store
- harm
- harp
- harrowing
- harsh
- hassle
- hassles
- haste
- hasten
- hastily
- hasty
- hatch
- hatches
- having a blast
- hayloft
- hazardous
- hazy
- headache
- headed
- headline
- heap
- heart attack
- hedge
- heed
- heedlessly
- hefted
- heist
- hem
- herald
- herd
- heron
- hesitate
- hesitation
- hexed
- hidden door
- hide
- hideous
- high-ceilinged
- hilarious
- hind
- hindquarters
- hinges
- hiring
- hissed
- hitch
- hitched
- hoarse
- hobble
- hobbled
- hobby
- hockey puck
- hoisted an ale
- hoisting
- holed up
- Holland
- hollow
- holster
- hombre
- home turf
- homeless
- homesick
- honeymoon
- honeysuckle
- honor
- hood
- hoodlum
- hooey
- hooligans
- hooves
- horde
- horizon
- horrified
- horrify
- horror-struck
- hot on their heels
- hound
- hover
- howled
- hubris
- huddled
- huffy
- hula hoop
- hulk
- hull
- hum
- humidity
- humiliated
- humiliating
- humiliation
- humpback
- hunched
- hunkered
- hunkered down
- hurdler
- hurl
- hurtled
- hushed
- husky
- hustled
- hybrid
- hyena
- hysterical
- hysterically
- ibex
- ice caps
- icing
- ideal
- identified
- identity
- idle
- ignition
- ignition key
- ignore
- ignored
- ill
- ill-fated
- ill-gotten
- ill-tempered
- illogical
- illuminated
- illusions
- imbue
- imitate
- immature
- immense
- immensity
- immortal
- immune
- impeccably
- impel
- impenetrable
- imperial
- implore
- importers
- imposing
- imposter
- impressed
- impressions
- impressive
- imprint
- imprinted
- imprison
- imprisoned
- improbable
- impulse
- impulsive
- impulsively
- impunity
- in a jiffy
- in charge
- inadvertent
- inane
- incense
- incentive
- incident
- incipient
- inclined
- inconceivable
- incongruous
- incorrigible
- increased
- incredibly
- incredulous
- incredulously
- incur
- incursion
- indebted
- indentation
- indicated
- indicating
- indifference
- indignation
- indiscriminate
- individually
- inedible
- inexorable
- inexplicably
- infamous
- inferior
- inferno
- infirm
- infirmary
- inform
- informant
- ingenious
- ingredients
- inhale
- injury
- innocent
- innocently
- inquisitive
- insanity
- inscribed
- insect
- insist
- insistent
- inspire
- instill
- instinct
- instructor
- instruments
- insult
- insulting
- integrity
- intending
- intensify
- intercepted
- interfered
- interjected
- interminable
- interrogating
- interrupt
- intersection
- intervene
- interview
- intimidate
- intimidated
- intimidating
- intone
- intravenous
- intrepid
- intricate
- intrigued
- intriguing
- intruder
- intrusion
- intuition
- invasion
- invention
- investigate
- investment
- invincible
- invoked
- involuntary
- ion trail
- ionic columns
- irate
- ironically
- irrationally
- irresistible
- irritation
- island
- isle
- issue
- itching to
- ivy
- jade
- jagged
- jammies
- javelin
- jaws
- jeering
- jersey
- jesse james
- jet ski
- jewelry
- jimmy
- jolt
- jostle
- jot down
- jounced
- judgment
- jumble
- jump to conclusions
- jurisdiction
- juvenile
- juvies
- keel over
- keenly
- keep her balance
- keep someone company
- kennel
- kerfuffle
- kerosene
- kettle
- keypad
- kidding
- kidnap
- kiosk
- klutz
- knead
- knight
- knocked out cold
- knuckles
- lab
- laceration
- lack
- lackluster
- laconic
- ladder
- laden
- lair
- lamborghini
- lame
- lamebrain
- lamely
- landscape
- lanky
- laser
- lashed out
- lasso
- latch
- latrine
- lattice
- laudable
- launch
- lavatory
- lavish
- law enforcement
- lawn sprinklers
- lawsuit
- lawyer
- laze around
- leaflet
- leaped
- ledger
- leery
- legend
- leniency
- lenses
- leopard
- lever
- leverage
- liability
- liberation
- license plate
- lid
- lieutenant
- light switch
- lilac
- limb
- lime
- limp
- limping
- lingered
- lip reader
- lithely
- livestock
- loaded
- loan
- loathe
- lob
- lobby
- local
- lock pick
- locked and loaded
- locomotive
- lodging
- lofty
- logistics
- logo
- loitered
- longing
- lookouts
- looming
- loony
- loot
- loping
- lopsided
- lord
- lore
- low profile
- low-relief frieze
- lugging
- lullaby
- lulled
- lumbering
- lumberjack
- lumpy
- lunge
- lurched
- lure
- lurking
- lush
- lustrous
- luxurious
- lying
- lynx
- mace
- maelstrom
- maid
- mail shirt
- mainsail
- make a beeline
- make yourself scarce
- makeover
- malevolent
- malevolently
- malfunctioned
- malice
- malicious
- manage to
- manageable
- maneuverability
- mangroves
- manic
- manners
- mansion
- mantel
- manure
- marathon
- mare
- marketing
- maroon
- mascot
- mastermind
- masticate
- matches
- materialized
- matron
- matter-of-factly
- mauled
- mausoleum
- maw
- maze
- measuring cup
- measuring spoons
- medal
- meek
- meekly
- menace
- menaces
- menagerie
- mending
- mention
- mentor
- merchandise
- merchant
- merciless
- mere
- merit
- mesh
- metal detector
- methodical
- methodically
- meticulous
- metropolis
- microphone
- midair
- midget
- midsection
- miffed
- mildew
- militia
- mill around
- milling around
- miming
- mind your tongue
- mind-boggling
- miniature
- minimart
- minimized
- minstrels
- misbehavior
- mischievous
- misery
- mismatch
- misshapen
- missing the point
- misty
- mixed feelings
- moan
- mob
- mobile
- mock
- mole
- momentum
- monetary
- mongoose
- monitored
- monopoly
- montage
- monumental
- moose
- mope
- moping
- morph
- morphed
- morsel
- mortal
- mosaic
- mother-in-law
- motionless
- motive
- mound
- mount
- muffled
- mugger
- mull over
- mullet
- mulling
- multiple
- mumble
- mummy
- munched
- mundane
- murky
- murmur
- mushy
- mustache
- muster
- mutant
- mutter
- muzzle
- nab
- naive
- naked
- nark
- narrow
- narrowed
- nasal
- nasty
- nature
- navigated
- neanderthal
- nebula
- nectar
- needle in a haystack
- neglect
- neglected
- neighborhood
- nemesis
- nerd
- nerf volleyball
- nerve-racking
- neutral
- new record
- newcomer
- newscaster
- nibble
- nickelodeon
- nightmare
- nightmares
- nimbly
- nitwit
- nobles
- nonchalantly
- noncommittal
- nook
- normal
- notation
- notice
- notify
- nourishment
- nuance
- nubby
- nudged
- nuked
- numbly
- nurture
- nuzzling
- oaf
- oath
- oatmeal
- obediently
- obey
- obligated
- obliged
- obliterate
- oblivious
- obnoxious
- obscure
- obscured
- observant
- obsessed
- obsession
- obsolescence
- obstacles
- obstruct
- obviously
- occur to me
- octogenarian
- odds
- off pitch
- offense
- offensive
- officiate
- ominous
- ominously
- omission
- on the lookout
- onlooker
- onstage
- oozes
- opera
- opinion
- opinionated
- opponent
- option
- oral report
- orbit
- orchestra
- orchid
- ordeal
- orderly
- origin
- original
- ornamental
- orphan
- orphanage
- orthodontist
- osprey
- out cold
- outfit
- outlaw
- outlet mall
- outmaneuver
- outrage
- outskirts
- outweigh
- overalls
- overcome
- overconfident
- overheard
- overlook
- overreaction
- overtime
- overwhelmed
- pace
- pageantry
- pain in the neck
- pale
- palisade
- pallet
- palm
- palms
- panel truck
- pangs
- panic
- panicked
- panicking
- panted
- panting
- pantry
- paper liner
- paradox
- paralyze
- paramedics
- paranoid
- parasol
- pardon
- parlormaid
- partial
- particle accelerator
- particular
- particulars
- pass out
- passageway
- passive
- pathetic
- patient
- patio
- patrols
- patronizing
- pattern
- paucity
- pavement
- payback
- payload
- peak
- pecking
- pecking order
- peculiar
- peddler
- pedestrian
- pedigree
- peeked
- peer
- peevish
- pelt
- pennant
- penned
- pensively
- pepper spray
- perception
- perceptive
- perch
- perched
- perfunctory
- perilous
- perimeter
- periodical
- periscope
- perk up
- permanent
- permit
- pernicious
- perpetrator
- perpetually
- perplexed
- persist
- persistent
- perspiration
- perturbed
- perverse
- pesky
- petrify
- petty
- phenomenal
- philosopher
- philosophical
- phony
- physique
- pier
- pierced
- pig out
- pilfer
- pilfering
- pilothouse
- pincers
- pinch
- pinning
- pinpoint
- pipe cleaners
- pipsqueak
- pit bull
- pitch in
- pitcher
- pitchfork
- piteously
- pity
- pivoting
- plain
- plaster statue
- plastered
- plastic
- plastic surgery
- platform
- play hardball
- plentiful
- plenty
- plethora
- plod
- plodded
- plodding
- plot
- plow
- plowed ahead
- pluck
- plug
- plumage
- plunged
- plush
- point of a story
- pointers
- poised
- poison
- poke fun at
- polished
- polishing
- pompous
- ponder
- pondered
- ponderous
- porch
- poring over
- porous
- portable
- porter
- portly
- portrait
- pose
- position
- positive
- posse
- possess
- possession
- possessive
- posture
- potent
- potential
- potion
- pounce
- pound
- pouting
- poverty
- power board
- practical
- practical joke
- prairie
- praise
- prank
- prankster
- prattle
- precaution
- precedence
- precious
- precocious
- predicament
- predict
- prefab
- preliminary
- prelude
- preoccupied
- prepared
- presence
- preserve
- press conference
- pretext
- pretty near
- previous
- priceless
- pried
- primly
- primped
- prisoner
- private
- procedures
- process
- process of elimination
- proclaim
- profanity
- profiteer
- profoundly
- prognosticate
- progress
- prolong
- promoted
- promotion
- promptly
- promulgate
- prone
- prongs
- propel
- prophecies
- prophetic
- proportion
- proposition
- propped
- propped up
- prosperous
- protect
- protruding
- provide
- province
- provincial
- provoke
- pry
- prying eyes
- psycho
- pterodactyl
- publicist
- publicity
- publicity stunt
- puddle
- pudgy
- puffy
- pug
- pugnacious
- pulp
- pulse
- pummel
- punch
- punched in
- punctuated
- pungently
- punish
- punishment
- puny
- purchases
- purify
- puritan
- purr
- purring
- pursed
- pursue
- pursuer
- pursuing
- pursuit
- put your two cents in
- pyramid
- pyro
- python
- quad
- quaking
- qualms
- quartet
- queasy
- quell
- quilt
- quilting bee
- quirky
- quizzically
- racket
- racking his brain
- radiance
- radiant
- rafters
- rage
- raging
- rambunctiously
- rampage
- rampaging
- rampant
- ramshackle
- rancid
- random
- rankled
- ransack
- ransom note
- ranter
- ranting
- rap sheet
- raptor
- rascal
- rasp
- raspberry
- rasped
- rattled
- rattrap
- ratty
- ravages
- raven
- ravine
- raving
- re-create
- reach
- reaching
- reaction
- reality
- realm
- reappear
- reassure
- rebellion
- rebuke
- recall
- recede
- receding hairline
- recently
- recipient
- reckless
- recoiled
- recon
- recruit
- recruited
- reenactment
- reflection
- reflexes
- refreshing
- regally
- regarded
- regardless
- relative
- release
- released
- relenting
- relentless
- reliable
- relieved
- relishing
- reluctance
- reluctant
- remark
- remarkable
- remedy
- remind
- remnant
- remorse
- remote
- rendezvous
- renegade
- replete
- replica
- reporter
- reprimand
- reproachfully
- reptilian
- repudiate
- reputation
- require
- required
- resembled
- resembles
- resentment
- reservation
- residence
- resist
- resourceful
- restored
- restrain
- resumed
- reticent
- retorted
- retraced
- retreat
- retrieve
- revenge
- reverie
- reverse
- reviewer
- revoke
- revolver
- revving
- reward
- rhododendron
- ridge
- ridiculous
- riff raff
- righteously
- rigid
- ring bearer
- risky
- rite
- rival
- rivalry
- riveted
- roasted
- robotic
- rodent
- rodeo
- rogue
- romance
- rooting for
- rouge
- roused
- roving
- rowdy
- rubbish
- rubble
- ruckus
- rudimentary
- ruefully
- rugged
- ruined
- ruining
- ruins
- ruler
- rumor
- rump
- rumpled
- running amok
- runty
- rustling
- sabotage
- sabotaging
- sacked out
- sacred
- saddle
- safe
- sagging
- sailboat
- salary
- sally
- salvage captain
- salvaging
- sanctuary
- sandbox
- sarcasm
- sarcastic
- sarcophagus
- satin
- satin ribbon
- saunter
- savannah
- scabrous
- scalded
- scallops
- scalp
- scaly
- scamper
- scampered
- scanned
- scarce
- scarf
- scenario
- scene
- scented
- scholarly
- schooner
- scoff
- scolded
- scolding
- scope out
- scorch
- scornfully
- scoundrel
- scoured
- scouted
- scowl
- scowling
- scraggly
- scraping
- scratch
- scrawl
- scrawny
- screech
- screw something up
- screwdriver
- scribbled
- scrounging
- scrubby high desert terrain
- scruffy
- scrunched
- scrutiny
- scudded
- scuffed
- scuffling
- scum
- scurrilous
- scurry
- scurrying
- scythe
- seal
- seamstress
- search
- secret service agents
- secretary
- section
- secure
- security
- seedy
- seeing or thinking clearly
- seethed
- seething
- seize
- seldom
- semester
- sensing
- separated
- sequel
- sequins
- sergeant
- serious
- servants
- severe
- shade
- shadowy
- shaft
- shame
- shamefaced
- shanty
- shantytown
- shards
- shatter
- shattered
- shaved
- shaving
- shearing
- sheathing
- sheepishly
- sheer
- shelter
- shelves
- shifted
- shifty
- shimmer
- shimmery
- shingles
- shirtwaist
- shivering
- shock jock
- shoo
- shoo them away
- shooing gesture
- shoplifting
- short notice
- shove
- shovel
- shoving
- shrink
- shroud
- shrouded
- shrubbery
- shucked off
- shudder
- shuffled
- shun
- shutdown
- shuttle craft
- sideburns
- sides of beef
- sidetrack
- sidewalls
- sightseeing
- signature
- silhouette
- silk
- simultaneously
- sinewy
- sinister
- sink in
- siphon
- siren
- skeins
- skeletons
- skeptically
- skepticism
- sketching
- skewer
- skid
- skidding
- skip class
- skirmish
- skirt and jacket outfit
- skulking
- slashed
- slats
- slaughterhouse
- slay
- sleazy
- sled
- sleek
- slender
- slept in
- slick
- slimy
- slip back in
- slipped past
- slipped under
- slither
- slitted
- slope
- sloped
- sloppy
- slosh
- slugged
- sluggishly
- slumber
- slumped
- slumping
- slung
- slurred voice
- sly
- smack
- smacked
- smear
- smirk
- smite
- smock
- smoke
- smoldering
- smorgasbord
- smothered
- smudged
- smuggled
- snag
- snatched
- snazzy
- sneak
- sneer
- sneered
- snickered
- snide
- snidely
- sniff
- snippet
- snippy
- snit
- snoop
- snore
- snort
- snowmobile
- snubbed
- snuffled
- soak
- soaked
- soar
- sob
- sobbing
- society
- sod
- sodden
- sofa
- soggy
- solace
- solemn
- solemnly
- soles
- solstice
- solve
- somber
- somberly
- soothe
- soothsayer
- sophisticated
- sorceress
- sorcery
- sordid
- sorehead
- source
- souvenir
- sow
- span
- spanking
- spare
- sparks
- spawn
- specialist
- species
- specific
- specifics
- spectators
- sped
- sped up
- speechless
- speedometer
- spell book
- spiking
- spine
- spiraling
- spire
- splintered
- splintery
- split second
- spooky
- spotlight
- sprain
- spring a trap
- sprinkles
- sprockets
- sprout
- spurted
- sputter
- squabble
- squall
- squiggled
- squint
- squirming
- squirt
- stable
- stadium
- staff
- stagger
- stain
- stained
- staking out
- stale
- stalk
- stalking
- stalled
- stalling out
- standards
- stared
- stargaze
- startled
- stashed
- statement
- stationary
- statuesque
- status
- statute
- steadfast
- stealthily
- steaming
- steed
- steel bar
- steel oneself
- steeling
- steely
- steep
- steeped
- steer
- stereo
- stern
- sternly
- stew
- stick to it
- stickler
- stiff
- stiffen
- stilt
- stipulate
- stomach bug
- stomp
- stomped
- stopped in his tracks
- storage
- stored
- stout
- stow
- straddling
- strangle
- strangling
- strategy
- stray
- streamers
- streaming
- stretch limo
- stretched
- strewn
- strident
- strike
- strike a deal
- strikes
- striking
- strikingly
- strip mall
- strode
- stroke
- stroked
- stroking
- stroll
- strolled
- struggled
- struggling
- strut
- stubble
- stubbly
- stubborn
- stubby
- stubs
- stuck together
- stuffed
- stumbled
- stump
- stumped
- stung
- stunned
- stunning
- subdivision
- subject
- submerged
- subside
- substantial
- substitute
- subterranean
- subtle
- succeeding
- success
- successful
- sufficient
- suffocating
- sugar cubes
- suitable
- suitor
- sulfur
- sulfuric acid
- sulk
- sullen
- sullenly
- summon
- sundial
- superior
- suppress
- suppressed
- surface
- surge
- surly
- surrender
- surreptitiously
- surround
- surrounded
- surveillance
- survey
- survey stake
- surveying
- suspect
- suspected
- suspended
- swags
- swarm
- swat
- sway
- swearing
- sweatshirt pouch
- swell
- swerve
- swerved
- swift
- swiftly
- swine
- swipe
- swiping
- swirl
- swiveled
- swooping
- sword
- syllable
- symmetrical
- sympathetic
- sympathized
- tackle
- tactics
- tailor
- talons
- tame
- tamper
- tandem
- tangible
- tangled
- tanned
- tape recorder
- tapestry
- tarantula
- tarp
- tartly
- tassel
- tasseled
- tatter
- tattered
- taunting
- taut
- tavern
- teemed
- teenager
- teeny
- teeth-jarring
- temper
- temple
- temptation
- tension
- tentative
- terminate
- termination
- terminology
- terrain
- terrazzo
- tersely
- testament
- thatched
- thawed
- the sticks
- thermostat
- thicket
- thickheaded
- thoroughfare
- thrashed
- threaded
- threading the needle
- threat
- threaten
- three-dimensional
- throat
- throne
- throng
- throttle
- throw up
- thrust
- thud
- thunderbolt
- thundercloud
- thunderstruck
- tick
- tidy
- tightwad
- tinge
- tinker
- tiptoe
- tire
- tiresome
- tissue paper
- toasty
- toddler
- tolerance
- tolerate
- tombstone
- tone
- took it for granted
- tooled along
- tore after
- torment
- tormentor
- tornado
- torso
- torture
- tossing
- total pain in the kazoo
- tough as nails
- tourist
- tousled
- toward
- towered above
- trade folk
- trademark
- trading post
- tragic
- train
- traitor
- trample
- trampled
- trampoline
- transfer
- transfixed
- transform
- transformation
- transparent
- transpired
- trap door
- trapped
- traverse
- travesty
- tray
- treachery
- tread
- treading water
- treated
- trekker
- tremble
- tremulous
- trendsetter
- trepidation
- trespassing
- trial and error
- trident
- trigger
- trimming
- trip
- triumph
- triumphant
- triumphantly
- trolley
- tromp
- tropical
- trot
- troublemaker
- trough
- troupe
- trousers
- truancy
- trudged
- trumps
- trundled
- trunk
- trussed
- trusty
- tuck
- tucked
- tug
- tulips
- tumble
- tumult
- turbulence
- tureen
- turf
- turret
- tussle
- tuxedo
- twerp
- twilight
- twined
- twisting
- two seconds flat
- unappreciated
- unarmed
- unchallenged
- undeniably
- underbrush
- underworld
- unearth
- uneasy
- uneventful
- unfurl
- unfurled
- unheeded
- unhurried
- unique
- unison
- unleash
- unlicensed
- unperturbed
- unprecedented
- unprovoked
- unrepentant
- unruly
- unsettled
- unshakeable
- unusual
- unwarranted
- upcoming
- uproar
- urchin
- urge
- urgent
- ushered
- vacancy
- vacant
- vacant lot
- valiant
- valuable
- Vance
- vandal
- vandalism
- vanish
- vantage
- vaporize
- vast
- vaulted
- veer
- veering
- velocity
- velvet
- venomous
- ventilation
- venture
- ventured
- verge
- vessel
- vest
- vibration
- vicinity
- vicious
- victorian
- victory
- vigilant
- vigorously
- vile
- villagers
- villain
- villains
- violence
- violet
- vision
- visionary
- vital
- vivid
- void
- voluble
- voluntarily
- voracious
- vortex
- vulture
- vying
- wacko
- wad
- wafted
- wag
- wager
- wagging
- waist
- waiters
- wakeboarding
- walkie-talkie
- wallop
- wander
- wardrobe
- warily
- warp
- wary
- washroom
- waterproof
- waterspout
- waver
- wax
- wayward
- weak spot
- weapons
- wear one down
- wearily
- weather
- weather forecast
- weathered
- weep
- well versed
- welt
- whack
- whacked
- wheel on a dime
- wheezing
- whim
- whims
- whining
- whirling
- whisked
- whiskers
- whistled
- white house
- whiz
- whizzing
- wholesaler
- wicker
- wide berth
- wildebeest
- wilderness
- wily
- wimp
- wince
- wincing
- wind chill
- windbag
- winding
- windowpane
- windpipe
- winked
- wipe out
- wiry
- wistfully
- withered
- witty
- wobbled
- wolfishly
- woolgathering
- workaholic
- world conquest
- worn out
- worn-out
- worrywart
- worshipped
- worth it
- wound up
- wove
- wrangler
- wrap
- wrap up
- wrapper
- wrathful
- wreaking
- wreckage
- wrecked
- wrenched
- wrest
- wrestle
- wretched
- wretchedly
- wrinkled
- wrist
- writhed
- yakking
- yanked
- yankee doodle
- yap
- yarn
- yawn
- yearn
- yelped
- your highness
- zigzagging
- zip out
- zombie
an amount of money that needs to be paid to get someone out of jail, usually before they go to trial (where it is decided whether they are guilty or innocent) |