- lab
- laceration
- lack
- lackluster
- laconic
- ladder
- laden
- lair
- lamborghini
- lame
- lamebrain
- lamely
- landscape
- lanky
- laser
- lashed out
- lasso
- latch
- latrine
- lattice
- laudable
- launch
- lavatory
- lavish
- law enforcement
- lawn sprinklers
- lawsuit
- lawyer
- laze around
- leaflet
- leaped
- ledger
- leery
- legend
- leniency
- lenses
- leopard
- lever
- leverage
- liability
- liberation
- license plate
- lid
- lieutenant
- light switch
- lilac
- limb
- lime
- limp
- limping
- lingered
- lip reader
- lithely
- livestock
- loaded
- loan
- loathe
- lob
- lobby
- local
- lock pick
- locked and loaded
- locomotive
- lodging
- lofty
- logistics
- logo
- loitered
- longing
- lookouts
- looming
- loony
- loot
- loping
- lopsided
- lord
- lore
- low profile
- low-relief frieze
- lugging
- lullaby
- lulled
- lumbering
- lumberjack
- lumpy
- lunge
- lurched
- lure
- lurking
- lush
- lustrous
- luxurious
- lying
- lynx
relating to the town where you live, something nearby |